I was talking to my MIL the other day. Her mother is approaching ninety and has the typical health problems of a near ninety year old. Grandma recently had an incident involving a family heirloom - a rocking chair. She is fine, as is the chair. Since we were on the subject, MIL asked if I knew what grandma wanted to do with the chair when she died. Now - I was very tired, my allergies were really bothering me, and we were headed to the mall (my least favorite place) - so I wasn't thinking so clearly. I wracked my brain for possible ideas and all I could think of was (and this came out of my mouth): She wants to be buried in it?
As I was saying it, I knew it was the wrong call. But how can you stop it? The statement had a life of its own. You don't joke about death with the lady's daughter! But, really, it wasn't a joke. I seriously couldn't think of anything else to say. Another simultaneous thought (thank God I didn't say this out loud), was: can they make a grave big enough for a rocking chair? how do they position the body in it?
MIL gave me a strange look and said, "no, she wants to give it to your son." Well, obviously I was VERY off base.
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